5 straightforward adjustments to increase user retention and engagement in mobile apps

Oleksiy Kuryliak
Rioks. The Stories.
3 min readJul 16, 2015


For companies using consumer apps, one of the best ways to boost revenue and customer satisfaction is to establish long-term relationships with customers. This results in companies trying to optimize both product features and customer convenience. The first aspect, developing product features, can be improved by utilizing product analytics: changes can be made relatively easily through examination of customer reviews and sales rates. The second aspect, customer convenience, tends to be more difficult to increase. Through the adoption of mobile applications, however, companies can make significant progress in enhancing this long-term relationship with a well-served and satisfied customer. Through apps, companies can reach their customers, and vice versa. It is crucial for companies to be able to differentiate between customers so they can deliver the perfect message. The ultimate goal is to find the perfect balance between every individual customer’s needs and the company’s goals, which can be achieved by optimizing user retention and engagement.

In mobile applications, user engagement can be described as the behavior of users within an app, like a user’s time spent and major actions. User engagement is an important tool to monitor how users spend their time on your application, what aspects of your app are valuable to users and what parts might need some adjustments. With this information, a company can improve the user experience of the app.

User retention is the single most valuable factor of measuring long-term relationships with customers.

User retention is defined by the number of times a user opens and uses your app, and is usually measured by either the Monthly or Daily Active Users (MAU/DAU). Monitoring user retention is extremely important, as the number of times a user returns is the single most valuable factor of measuring long-term relationships with customers. User retention represents the extent to which a user is in need of the app, so it is important for companies to base decisions off this information.

Numerous companies are having difficulties with both their user retention and engagement statistics. For marketing teams, finding ways to improve these figures tends to be problematic. However, there are certain steps that almost every company can take in order to increase user retention as well as engagement. Let Rainmaker Labs, a mobile application developer and mobility platform provider based in Singapore, tell you a few actions you could undertake to optimize the long-term relationship with customers through a better mobile application:

Individual Push Notification Campaigns:

Supposedly the most obvious action is using push notifications as a way of communicating with users and as a reminder of existence. However, it can be difficult to manage push notification messaging, as over-messaging still occurs quite often, as well as sending irrelevant and impersonalized messages to users. The key aspect is to tailor your messaging system so that every user can be reached individually, while considering cross-platform, cross-device and time-sensitive factors.

Promoting Through Deep Linking:

By linking a certain part of the app to a specific page, product, or event, companies can easily promote new products and features. User retention can be increased as long as users remain interested in these offers, but again the company must avoid excessive offering. Deep linking can be implemented through means such as emails, ads, or direct in-app links.

Integrating A User’s Social Life:

By implementing a part of a user’s social life, user retention as well as engagement can be improved. Examples of these implementations are multi-player games and giving certain credit to users when they invite their friends and contacts to install an app.

Engaging Individuals Through App Reviews:

A fairly straightforward method is to have your users talk to you about your product, app, website, and possible improvements you could apply to increase their satisfaction. In general, people like to be heard, and just by showing that you care about their opinion, you can increase overall user happiness.

Multiple App Updating:

Users appreciate app updates, and expect features, design, and overall usability to be improved. To keep your app ‘young and progressive’, make sure you execute regular updates.

It is crucial to realize that optimizing user retention and engagement are of vital importance as they establish long-term relationships with your customers. When utilized properly, a mobile application can be a strong tool to reach users in an optimized cross-platform, cross-device, and time-sensitive manner. We hope we have provided you with some simple yet useful adjustments that enhance user retention and engagement and improve your customer’s satisfaction. For more tips and tricks, feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to help you out.



Marketing Strategist. Founder of Rioks (https://rioks.com), B2B marketing consultancy, and a digital agency. Startups Advisor.